Shop your favorite smartphones, tablets, gadgets and accessories from the most trusted Mobile Retailer in the Middle East - axiom.
Get the latest devices backed with guaranteed peace of mind delivered with the widest and best service network.
Swipe, select and get your devices delivered in 2 hours within the UAE.
Choose complete Peace of mind with
· 3 Years Extended Warranty
· Damage Protection
· Priority Repair
If you are having trouble with the app, please EMAIL US at so we can help you get things running.It is much easier to troubleshoot via email than via a bad review
The delivery was so quick n neat thanks for the speedy delivery .. appreciated :)
- Suhas Sathyanarayana
I always love dealing with Axiom .... Good servicing as well.
-Inayath Hassan
سهولة في التعامل و سرعة في التوصيل
- Ahmad Al Suwaidi
Incredible service and valuable warranty
-Sarfras Hamid
Great service and prices.
- Sherif B
Out standing value and great communication. Thank you!
- Tom S
Preorders are very time-bound and timely delivery is key of success here. Well done ..
- Adnan
The app only needs access to "Location Services" to enable 2 Hour Delivery Service.
1. When will I get my order?
If you're located within the UAE, axiom uses its own vans and bikers to deliver within 2
hours in Dubai & Sharjah & Abu Dhabi. Check our Terms& Conditions for specific
areas/ regions. For deliveries to certain areas of Abu Dhabi, Al Ain Fujairah and RAK
we use Aramex and this takes a maximum of 48hrs to be delivered. Delivery takes
place from Saturday through Thursday. Most orders within the UAE are delivered on
the same day.
International Orders
If you're located outside the UAE, we currently deliver across the world in partnership
with Aramex. Most international orders are usually delivered in 3 to 7 business days.
International orders are usually subject to customs clearance.Unfortunately as since
this isn't something that we can control, customs clearance delays may on occasion
delay your delivery.
2. Can I change or cancel my order?
If you've accidentally placed an order or made a mistake while ordering,please give us
a call at 800 AXIOM [29466] and one of our call center representatives will assist you.
If you're in KSA, you can reach us on 9200-29466
1. Price Protection Guarantee
You must get the best price. We insist on it. If you buy a device from us, and our store
price drops within five days of purchase, we’ll give you a credit note that covers the
difference*. Seriously.
Applicable for devices purchased in axiom retail outlets. Conditions apply.
2. Hour Delivery (Within the UAE)
With axiom 2 hour phone delivery you can choose your new device online, pay for it
and voila, your brand new device will be at your doorstep in 2 hours or less. Conditions
3. Damage Protection
It happens to everyone: you drop your phone and the screen breaks. Or the poor thing
just gives up on you altogether. Sign up for our Damage Protection, and we’ll fix your
phone ASAP. If it’s beyond repair, you’ll get a refund.
A one-time fee gets you 12 months of coverage and complete peace of mind.
Conditions apply.
4. Multiple Payment Options
Pay as you like - Card, Cash on Delivery or Swipe your card on Delivery.
5. How can I track my order?
You will receive an email immediately after placing an order with us. You can view the
status of your order once you login into your Account
and under the My Account tab.Your past order history can also be seen on this screen.
Berbelanja favorit Anda smartphone, tablet, gadget dan aksesoris dari terbesar Retailer Ponsel di Timur Tengah - aksioma.
Dapatkan perangkat terbaru yang didukung dengan jaminan ketenangan pikiran disampaikan dengan jaringan layanan terluas dan terbaik.
Babatan, pilih dan mendapatkan perangkat Anda disampaikan dalam 2 jam dalam UEA.
Pilih Perdamaian pikiran lengkap dengan
· 3 Tahun Extended Warranty
· Perlindungan Kerusakan
· Perbaikan Prioritas
Jika Anda mengalami kesulitan dengan aplikasi, silahkan email kami di sehingga kami dapat membantu Anda mendapatkan sesuatu running.It jauh lebih mudah untuk memecahkan masalah melalui email dari melalui review buruk
pengiriman sangat cepat berkat n rapi untuk pengiriman cepat .. dihargai :)
- Suhas Sathyanarayana
Saya selalu suka berurusan dengan Aksioma .... pelayanan yang baik juga.
-Inayath Hassan
سهولة في التعامل و سرعة في التوصيل
- Ahmad Al Suwaidi
Layanan yang luar biasa dan garansi yang berharga
-Sarfras Hamid
layanan besar dan harga.
- Sherif B
Keluar berdiri nilai dan komunikasi yang besar. Terima kasih!
- Tom S
Preorders sangat terikat waktu dan pengiriman tepat waktu adalah kunci keberhasilan di sini. Sudah selesai dilakukan dengan baik ..
- Adnan
Aplikasi ini hanya perlu akses ke "Layanan Lokasi" untuk mengaktifkan 2 Jam Delivery Service.
Tanya Jawab
1. Kapan saya akan mendapatkan pesanan saya?
Jika Anda berada dalam UEA, aksioma menggunakan van dan pengendara sepeda motor sendiri untuk melahirkan dalam waktu 2
jam di Dubai & Sharjah & Abu Dhabi. Periksa Persyaratan & Ketentuan kami untuk spesifik
daerah / wilayah. Untuk pengiriman ke daerah-daerah tertentu dari Abu Dhabi, Al Ain Fujairah dan RAK
kita menggunakan Aramex dan ini membutuhkan waktu maksimum 48hrs untuk disampaikan. pengiriman memakan waktu
menempatkan dari Sabtu sampai Kamis. Kebanyakan pesanan dalam UEA yang disampaikan pada
hari yang sama.
Pesanan Internasional
Jika Anda berada di luar UEA, saat ini kami memberikan seluruh dunia dalam kemitraan
dengan Aramex. Kebanyakan pesanan internasional biasanya disampaikan dalam 3 sampai 7 hari kerja.
pesanan internasional biasanya dikenakan bea cukai clearance.Unfortunately sebagai sejak
ini bukan sesuatu yang kita dapat mengontrol, bea cukai penundaan mungkin pada kesempatan
menunda pengiriman Anda.
2. Dapatkah saya mengubah atau membatalkan pesanan saya?
Jika Anda tidak sengaja menempatkan pesanan atau membuat kesalahan sambil memesan, tolong beri kami
panggilan di 800 AXIOM [29.466] dan salah satu perwakilan call center kami akan membantu Anda.
Jika Anda berada di KSA, Anda dapat menghubungi kami di 9.200-29.466
Jaminan 1. Perlindungan Harga
Anda harus mendapatkan harga terbaik. Kami bersikeras itu. Jika Anda membeli perangkat dari kami, dan toko kami
Harga tetes dalam waktu lima hari dari pembelian, kami akan memberikan catatan kredit yang mencakup
perbedaan*. Serius.
Berlaku untuk pembelian perangkat di gerai ritel aksioma. Ketentuan berlaku.
2. Jam Pengiriman (Dalam UEA)
Dengan aksioma pengiriman telepon 2 jam Anda dapat memilih perangkat baru secara online, membayar untuk itu
dan voila, merek perangkat baru Anda akan berada di depan pintu Anda dalam 2 jam atau kurang. Kondisi
Perlindungan 3. Kerusakan
Ini terjadi pada semua orang: Anda menjatuhkan ponsel Anda dan istirahat layar. Atau hal yang buruk
hanya menyerah pada Anda sama sekali. Mendaftar untuk Perlindungan Kerusakan kami, dan kami akan memperbaikinya Anda
telepon ASAP. Jika itu bisa diperbaiki, Anda akan mendapatkan pengembalian dana.
Biaya satu kali membuat Anda 12 bulan cakupan dan ketenangan pikiran.
Ketentuan berlaku.
4. Pilihan Pembayaran Beberapa
Bayar karena Anda suka - Card, Cash on Delivery atau Gesek kartu on Delivery.
5. Bagaimana cara melacak pesanan saya?
Anda akan segera menerima email setelah menempatkan pesanan dengan kami. Anda dapat melihat
status pesanan Anda setelah Anda login ke Akun Anda
dan di bawah Akun Saya tab.Your sejarah rangka masa lalu juga dapat dilihat di layar ini.
Shop your favorite smartphones, tablets, gadgets and accessories from the most trusted Mobile Retailer in the Middle East - axiom.
Get the latest devices backed with guaranteed peace of mind delivered with the widest and best service network.
Swipe, select and get your devices delivered in 2 hours within the UAE.
Choose complete Peace of mind with
· 3 Years Extended Warranty
· Damage Protection
· Priority Repair
If you are having trouble with the app, please EMAIL US at so we can help you get things running.It is much easier to troubleshoot via email than via a bad review
The delivery was so quick n neat thanks for the speedy delivery .. appreciated :)
- Suhas Sathyanarayana
I always love dealing with Axiom .... Good servicing as well.
-Inayath Hassan
سهولة في التعامل و سرعة في التوصيل
- Ahmad Al Suwaidi
Incredible service and valuable warranty
-Sarfras Hamid
Great service and prices.
- Sherif B
Out standing value and great communication. Thank you!
- Tom S
Preorders are very time-bound and timely delivery is key of success here. Well done ..
- Adnan
The app only needs access to "Location Services" to enable 2 Hour Delivery Service.
1. When will I get my order?
If you're located within the UAE, axiom uses its own vans and bikers to deliver within 2
hours in Dubai & Sharjah & Abu Dhabi. Check our Terms& Conditions for specific
areas/ regions. For deliveries to certain areas of Abu Dhabi, Al Ain Fujairah and RAK
we use Aramex and this takes a maximum of 48hrs to be delivered. Delivery takes
place from Saturday through Thursday. Most orders within the UAE are delivered on
the same day.
International Orders
If you're located outside the UAE, we currently deliver across the world in partnership
with Aramex. Most international orders are usually delivered in 3 to 7 business days.
International orders are usually subject to customs clearance.Unfortunately as since
this isn't something that we can control, customs clearance delays may on occasion
delay your delivery.
2. Can I change or cancel my order?
If you've accidentally placed an order or made a mistake while ordering,please give us
a call at 800 AXIOM [29466] and one of our call center representatives will assist you.
If you're in KSA, you can reach us on 9200-29466
1. Price Protection Guarantee
You must get the best price. We insist on it. If you buy a device from us, and our store
price drops within five days of purchase, we’ll give you a credit note that covers the
difference*. Seriously.
Applicable for devices purchased in axiom retail outlets. Conditions apply.
2. Hour Delivery (Within the UAE)
With axiom 2 hour phone delivery you can choose your new device online, pay for it
and voila, your brand new device will be at your doorstep in 2 hours or less. Conditions
3. Damage Protection
It happens to everyone: you drop your phone and the screen breaks. Or the poor thing
just gives up on you altogether. Sign up for our Damage Protection, and we’ll fix your
phone ASAP. If it’s beyond repair, you’ll get a refund.
A one-time fee gets you 12 months of coverage and complete peace of mind.
Conditions apply.
4. Multiple Payment Options
Pay as you like - Card, Cash on Delivery or Swipe your card on Delivery.
5. How can I track my order?
You will receive an email immediately after placing an order with us. You can view the
status of your order once you login into your Account
and under the My Account tab.Your past order history can also be seen on this screen.